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作者:食品科技学院 审核人:刘书成 发布日期:2023-11-09 浏览次数:


博士 教授 博士生/硕士生导师







钟赛意,中共党员,广东海洋大学南海杰出学者,现任广东海洋大学食品科技学院副院长,广东省水产品加工与安全重点实验室常务副主任,广东省海洋生物制品工程实验室副主任,海洋食品营养与功能因子研究与开发省级科技创新团队负责人,兼任广东海洋协会海洋生物分会副会长、广东省食品学会理事、中国预制菜产业联盟专家委员会专家、国家农产品加工科技创新联盟预制菜专业委员会专家、深圳全球海洋中心城市建设促进会专家委员专家、广东省食品学会药食同源与健康专委会常委、广东水产学会水产品加工和综合利用专业委员会委员、国际期刊Frontiers in NutritionFood Science of Animal ProductsFood Technology and Nutrition SciencesFood Science of Animal Products以及《广东农业科学》等杂志编委,《食品科学技术学报》青年编委,PolymersMarine DrugsSCI期刊客座编辑。2011年博士毕业于中国农业大学与美国The Ohio State University联合培养项目(国家公派留学)。曾参与美国国立卫生研究院(NIH R01)、欧盟第六框架科技计划、美国农业部等资助项目的研究工作。现主要从事海洋生物活性物质研究与开发、特色农产品营养与功能化开发等方面的研究工作。近年主持国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划子课题、广东省重点研发课题、广东省海洋渔业科技发展专项、深圳市科技计划项目、深圳市大鹏新区产业发展专项等项目等20多项。在国内外学术期刊发表论文100多篇,其中SCI/EI收录80余篇,ESI高被引/热点论文5篇,封面论文1篇,授权国内外发明专利20多项,主持或参与制修订地方及团体标准10项,主编教材1部,评价和登记成果3项,主持获中国商业联合会科学技术奖全国商业科技进步奖一等奖、三等奖、广东省农业技术推广奖二等奖、全国商业科技服务创新奖一等奖各1项;连续多年评为广东海洋大学 “科研先进个人”。指导大学生科研训练并获得国家级大学生创新训练项目多项,指导学生参加中国国际互联网+、“萌番姬”国际农业创新创业大赛、“挑战杯”、全国大学生生命科学竞赛等各类学科竞赛并获得国家/省级奖励20多项,获广东省教育厅“优秀创新创业导师奖”。为多家SCI期刊审稿专家、国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家、国家重点研发计划以及多个省市科技计划项目评审专家、广东省科技特派员及受聘为多家企业顾问。


1. 研究主要方向1:海洋生物活性物质与营养健康

2. 研究主要方向2:特色农产品营养与功能化开发



1. 海洋食品营养与功能因子研究与开发创新团队(2021KCXTD021),广东省高校创新团队项目,2021-2026300万,主持

2. 低值水产品及副产物制备功能糖关键技术研发与新产品创制(2019YFD0902005),国家重点研发项目子课题,2019-2023129万,主持

3. 海洋鱼类砷脂的赋存特征及其类雌激素毒性效应的分子机制(31972163),国家自然科学基金面上项目,2020-202359万,主持

4. 礁栖大型藻类精深加工技术集成与绿色新食品开发,国家重点研发项目子课题2020YFD09011012020-202363万,主持

5. 罗非鱼预制菜研究与开发,企业招标项目,2023-2026105万,主持

6. 海洋生物寡糖绿色制备关键技术研发与新产品创制,2024-2026100万,主持.

7. 广东特色海洋生物制品共性关键技术研发及产业应用,广东省重点领域研发计划任务(2020B1111030004),2020-2023, 50万,主持

8. 鱼鳔肝素类粘多糖的制备及其抗肿瘤血管生成效应研究与应用,广东省海洋和渔业发展专项资金(科技攻关与研发项目)(A201708C13), 2018-2021100万,主持

9. 鱼鳔粘多糖抑制MDSCs介导乳腺肿瘤免疫逃逸的分子机制(2023A1515010005),广东省基础与应用基础研究基金,2023-2025,主持

10. 海水稻米精深加工新产品研发及其产业化,省科技专项资金农业技术攻关专题(2021A05198),2022-2024,主持.

11. 南海区大宗养殖鱼类加工休闲食品关键技术研发及产业化,湛江市科技计划项目,2020-2023,主持.

12. 黄花鱼鱼鳔粘多糖结构解析及其抗乳腺癌作用的机理研究(GDOU2016050203),广东省教育厅, 2017-2019.(主持)

13. 鱼鳔肝素的制备及其抗肿瘤血管生成效应研究, 深圳市科技计划项目, JCYJ201708181113357962018-202050万,主持

14. 深圳市大鹏新区科技创新与产业发展专项资金,2020-2022,海洋生物肝素的制备及其功能活性研究(20200117, 25万,主持

15. 湛江市科技计划项目,2019-2021,鱼鳔肝素的高效制备、结构解析及其功效评价(2019A01015),主持

16. 南海区大宗养殖鱼类加工休闲食品关键技术研发及产业化,湛江市科技计划项目,2019-2021,(2019A01033

17. 高良姜活性成分高效开发与综合利用关键技术研究,广东省公益研究与能力建设专项资金(2015A020209166),广东省科技厅,2016-2018.(主持)

18. 牛肉中残留Zeranol诱导人乳腺癌细胞增殖及激活STAT3信号通路的机制研究. 国家自然科学基金(31201424),2013-2015.(主持)

19. 肿瘤细胞致死性乳白蛋白的制备及其细胞分子机制研究。广东海洋大学高层次引进人才基金(E12319),2016-2019.(主持)

20. 牛乳蛋白脂肪酸结合物诱导乳腺癌细胞凋亡及其分子机制. 广东省自然科学基金(S2012040006790),2013-2015.(主持)

21. 蛤蒌中抑制N-亚硝胺形成的活性因子提取及其机理研究(201306. 农业部功能食品重点实验室开放基金. 2013-2016.(主持)

22. 食品高新技术在中山市优势水产品(黑鱼、脆肉鲩)深加工产业中的示范应用(项目号:2016C1007,中山市科技局,2016-2018.(主持)

23. 海红米色素提取分离、结构鉴定及抗衰老功能评价,2022-2024.

24. 海红米色素提取分离、结构鉴定及抗血栓功能评价,国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目(202010566005教育部2020-2021.

25. 蛤蒌叶N-亚硝胺生成阻断活性成分的提取及肉品保鲜剂的开发,国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目(201310566007, 教育部, 2020-2021. (指导教师)。

26. 可控酶解马尾藻岩藻聚糖结构解析(1312445,广东海洋大学, 2014-01 ;

27. 超临界二氧化碳萃取徐闻良姜有效成分及其保健产品的开发. 广东海洋大学大学生科技创新培育资助项目. 2014.

28. 黄鱼鳔粘多糖的分离纯化及其抗乳腺癌作用的研究,国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目(CXXL2014040),2014-2015.


1. Cheong, K. L., Li, G., Wang, M., Yang, Y., & Zhong, S*. Unraveling the chemical identification and biological potential of the genus Asparagopsis: a comprehensive review. Frontiers in Marine Science, 2024,11, 1360425. (JCR一区, TOP期刊).

2. Li, Z., Cheong, K. L., Song, B., Yin, H., Li, Q., Chen, J., ... & Zhong, S*. Preparation of κ-carrageenan oligosaccharides by photocatalytic degradation: Structural characterization and antioxidant activity. Food Chemistry: X, 2024,22, 101294. (JCR一区, TOP期刊).

3. Li, Q., Li, R., Yong, F., Zhao, Q., Chen, J., Lin, X., ... & Zhong, S*. Modulation the Synergistic Effect of Chitosan-Sodium Alginate Nanoparticles with Ca2+: Enhancing the Stability of Pickering Emulsion on D-Limonene. Foods, 2024,13(4), 622. (JCR一区).

4. Liu, S., Zhang, L., Li, Z., Liu, M., Chen, J., Hong, P., & Zhong, S*. Effect of temperature fluctuation on the freshness, water migration and quality of cold-storage Penaeus vannamei. LWT, 2024,193, 115771. (JCR一区, TOP).

5. Wang M, Veeraperumal S, Zhong S*, Cheong KL. Fucoidan-Derived Functional Oligosaccharides: Recent Developments, Preparation, and Potential Applications. Foods. 2023;12(4):878. doi: 10.3390/foods12040878. (JCR一区ESI高被引和热点论文)

6. Li R, Zhou Q, Chen S, Tai M, Cai H, Ding R, Liu X, Chen J, Luo L, Zhong S*. Chemical Characterization and Immunomodulatory Activity of Fucoidan from Sargassum hemiphyllum. Mar Drugs. 2022;21(1):18. doi: 10.3390/md21010018. (JCR一区ESI高被引论文)

7. Yao W, Qiu H, Cheong KL, Zhong S*. Advances in anti-cancer effects and underlying mechanisms of marine algae polysaccharides. Int J Biol Macromol. 2022;221:472-485. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2022.09.055. (JCR一区, TOP期,ESI高被引论文)

8. Cheong KL, Yu B, Chen J, Zhong S*. A Comprehensive Review of the Cardioprotective Effect of Marine Algae Polysaccharide on the Gut Microbiota. Foods. 2022;11(22):3550. doi: 10.3390/foods11223550. (JCR一区,ESI高被引论文)

9. Zhao Q, Fan L, Li J, Zhong S*. Pickering emulsions stabilized by biopolymer-based nanoparticles or hybrid particles for the development of food packaging films: A review. Food Hydrocolloids. 2024;146. doi: 10.1016/j.foodhyd.2023.109185. (JCR一区, Top期刊)

10. Cheong KL, Yu B, Teng B, Veeraperumal S, Xu B, Zhong S*, Tan K. Post-COVID-19 syndrome management: Utilizing the potential of dietary polysaccharides. Biomed Pharmacother. 2023;166:115320. doi: 10.1016/j.biopha.2023.115320. (JCR一区, Top期刊)

11. Lu SY, Tan K, Zhong S*, Cheong KL. Marine algal polysaccharides as future potential constituents against non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. Int J Biol Macromol. 2023;250:126247. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.126247. (JCR一区, Top期刊)

12. Ou J, Wang Z, Huang H, Chen J, Liu X, Jia X, Song B, Cheong KL, Gao Y, Zhong S*. Intervention effects of sulfate glycosaminoglycan from swim bladder against arsenic-induced damage in IEC-6 cells. Int J Biol Macromol. 2023;252:126460. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.12646 (JCR一区, Top期刊)

13. Cheong KL, Zhang Y, Li Z, Li T, Ou Y, Shen J, Zhong S*, Tan K. Role of Polysaccharides from Marine Seaweed as Feed Additives for Methane Mitigation in Ruminants: A Critical Review. Polymers (Basel). 2023;15(15):3153. doi: 10.3390/polym15153153 (JCR一区)

14. Yang K, Chen J, Chen,J, Wang Z, Song, B, Li R, Zhong S*, Cheong KL. The effect mechanism of polysaccharides inhibit tumor immune escape: A review. J Funct Foods. 2023;107. doi: 10.1016/j.jff.2023.105638  (JCR一区, Top期刊)

15. Cheong KL, Chen S, Teng B, Veeraperumal S, Zhong S*, Tan K. Oligosaccharides as Potential Regulators of Gut Microbiota and Intestinal Health in Post-COVID-19 Management. Pharmaceuticals (Basel). 2023 9;16(6):860. doi: 10.3390/ph16060860. (JCR)

16. Malairaj S, Veeraperumal S, Yao W, Subramanian M, Tan K, Zhong S*, Cheong KL. Porphyran from Porphyra haitanensis Enhances Intestinal Barrier Function and Regulates Gut Microbiota Composition. Mar Drugs. 2023;21(5):265. doi: 10.3390/md21050265. (JCR一区)

17. Lin Q, Song B, Zhong Y, Yin H, Li Z, Wang Z, Cheong KL, Huang R, Zhong S*. Effect of Sodium Hyaluronate on Antioxidant and Anti-Ageing Activities in Caenorhabditis elegans. Foods. 2023;12(7):1400. doi: 10.3390/foods12071400. (JCR一区)

18. Chen S, Wang M, Veeraperumal S, Teng B, Li R, Qian Z, Chen J, Zhong S*, Cheong KL. Antioxidative and Protective Effect of Morchella esculenta against Dextran Sulfate Sodium-Induced Alterations in Liver. Foods. 2023;12(5):1115. doi: 10.3390/foods12051115. (JCR一区)

19. Luo B, Wang Z, Chen J, Chen X, Li J, Li Y, Li R, Liu X, Song B, Cheong KL, Zhong S*. Physicochemical Characterization and Antitumor Activity of Fucoidan and Its Degraded Products from Sargassum hemiphyllum (Turner) C. Agardh. Molecules. 2023;28(6):2610. doi: 10.3390/molecules28062610. (JCR一区, Top期刊)

20. Chen J, Fan T, Li J, Li R, Liu X, Wu B, Gao J, Liu Y, Dong H, Zhong S*. Curcumin/cyclodextrin polymer inclusion complex attenuates ethanol-induced liver injury by inhibition of DNA damage in mice. Food Sci Nutr. 2023;11(5):2418-2426. doi: 10.1002/fsn3.3248. (JCR一区)

21. Cheng Y, Yang Q, Wang J, Hu Z, Li C, Zhong S*, Huang N. Optimization Preparation and Evaluation of Chitosan Grafted Norfloxacin as a Hemostatic Sponge. Polymers (Basel). 2023;15(3):672. doi: 10.3390/polym15030672. (JCR一区)

22. Li J, Wang Z, Chen J, Luo B, Chen X, Li R, Gao J, Liu X, Song B, Zhong S*. Protective effect of Sargassum fusiforme polysaccharides on H2O2- induced injury in LO2 cells. Front. Mar. Sci. 2023;9:1098758 (JCR一区TOP期刊)

23. Chen J, Wang Z, Jia X, Li R, Chen J, Liu X, Song B, Zhong S*, Qi Y. Anticoagulant and Fibrinolytic Properties of Two Heparinoid Compounds Prepared from Shrimp Waste. Foods. 2022;12(1):66. doi: 10.3390/foods12010066. (JCR一区)

24. Wang G, Song B, Jia X, Yin H, Li R, Liu X, Chen J, Zhang J, Wang Z, Zhong S*. Ceramides from Sea Red Rice Bran Improve Health Indicators and Increase Stress Resistance of Caenorhabditis elegans through Insulin/IGF-1 Signaling (IIS) Pathway and JNK-1. J Agric Food Chem. 2022;70(48):15080-15094. doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.2c04921. (JCR一区, TOP期刊)

25. Chen J, Du Z, Song B, Li R, Jia X, Chen J, Liu X, Zhong S*. A natural heparinoid from mollusc Meretrix lusoria: Purification, structural characterization, and antithrombotic evaluation. Curr Res Food Sci. 2022;5:1897-1905. doi: 10.1016/j.crfs.2022.10.010. (JCR)

26. Ou J, Wang Z, Liu X, Song B, Chen J, Li R, Jia X, Huang R, Xiang W, Zhong S*. Regulatory effects of marine polysaccharides on gut microbiota dysbiosis: A review. Food Chem X. 2022;15:100444. doi: 10.1016/j.fochx.2022.100444. (JCR一区, TOP)

27. Cheong KL, Li J, Zhong S*. Preparation and Structure Characterization of High-Value Laminaria digitata Oligosaccharides. Front Nutr. 2022;9:945804. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2022.945804. (JCR一区, TOP)

28. Chen J, Zhou S, Wang Z, Liu S, Li R, Jia X, Chen J, Liu X, Song B, Zhong S*. Anticoagulant and anti-inflammatory effects of a degraded sulfate glycosaminoglycan from swimming bladder, Food Research International, 2022157):111444

29. Chen G, Zeng R, Wang X, Cai H, Chen J, Zhong Y, Zhong S*, Jia X. Antithrombotic Activity of Heparinoid G2 and Its Derivatives from the Clam Coelomactra antiquata. Marine Drugs. 2022; 20(1):50. https://doi.org/10.3390/md20010050

30. Chen, J.; Chen, X.; Li, J.; Luo, B.; Fan, T.; Li, R.; Liu, X.; Song, B.; Jia, X.; Zhong, S*. Preparation and Characterization of Nano-Selenium Decorated by Chondroitin Sulfate Derived from Shark Cartilage and Investigation on Its Antioxidant Activity. Mar. Drugs 2022, 20, 172. https://doi.org/10.3390/md20030172

31. Chen G-L, Cai H-Y, Chen J-P, Li R, Zhong S-Y*, Jia X-J, Liu X-F, Song B-B. Chitosan/Alginate Nanoparticles for the Enhanced Oral Antithrombotic Activity of Clam Heparinoid from the Clam Coelomactra antiquata. Marine Drugs. 2022; 20(2):136. https://doi.org/10.3390/md20020136

32. Du, Z., Jia, X., Chen, J., Zhou, S., Chen, J., Liu, X., Zhong, S*. & Hong, P. Isolation and Characterization of a Heparin-Like Compound with Potent Anticoagulant and Fibrinolytic Activity from the Clam Coelomactra antiquata. Marine Drugs, 2020, 18(1), 6.

33. Chen, J., Cao, X., Qin, X., Liu, H., Chen, S., Zhong, S*, & Li, Y. Proteomic analysis of the molecular mechanism of curcumin/β‐cyclodextrin polymer inclusion complex inhibiting HepG2 cells growth. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 2020,44(2).

34. Cao, X. , Islam, M. N. , Chitrakar, B. , Duan, Z. , Xu, W. , & Zhong, S*. Effect of combined chlorogenic acid and chitosan coating on antioxidant, antimicrobial, and sensory properties of snakehead fish in cold storage[J]. Food Science & Nutrition, 2020, 8(2).

35. Cao, X. , Islam, M. N. , Duan, Z. , Pan, X. , & Zhong, S*. Chlorogenic acid osmosis of snakehead fish: a novel approach to maintain quality and suppress deterioration during storage. International Journal of Food Properties, 2020,23(1), 387-399.

36. Cao, X. , Islam, M. N. , Xu, W. , Chen, J. , & Zhong, S*. Energy consumption, colour, texture, antioxidants, odours, and taste qualities of litchi fruit dried by intermittent ohmic heating. Foods,2020, 9(4), 425.

37. Cao, X. , Chen, J. , Islam, M. N. , Xu, W. , & Zhong, S*#. Effect of intermittent microwave volumetric heating on dehydration, energy consumption, antioxidant substances, and sensory qualities of litchi fruit during vacuum drying. Molecules, 2020,24(23), 4291.

38. Zhong, S., Liu, S., Chen, S., et al. Zeranol stimulates proliferation and aromatase activation in human breast pre-adipocytes. Molecular Medicine Reports, 2016,14(1):1014-1018.

39. Zhong, S., Liu SC, Cao JX, Chen SH, Wang WM and Qin XM. Fish Protein Isolates Recovered from Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) By-products Using Alkaline pH Solubilization and Precipitation. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology. 2016, 25(3):400-413.

40. Zhong, S., Liu, S., Chen, S., Liu, H., Zhou, S., Qin, X. & Wang, W. Cytotoxicity and apoptosis induction of bovine alpha-lactalbumin-oleic acid complex in human breast cancer cells. Food Science and Technology Research. 2015, 21(1): 103-110.

41. Zhong, S., Leong, J., Ye, W., Lin, S., Liu, J.Y. & Lin, Y. C., (-)-Gossypol-enriched cottonseed oil inhibits proliferation and adipogenesis of human breast pre-adipocytes. Anticancer Research. 2013.

42. Zhong, S., Ye, W., Lin, S., Liu, J.Y., Leong, J., Ma, C. & Lin, Y. C. Zeranol induces cell proliferation and protein disulfide isomerase expression in mammary gland of ACI rat. Anticancer Research. 2011 31:1659-1666.

43. Zhong, S., Ye, W., Xu, P., Eric, F., Li, H., Lin, S., Liu, J.Y., Ma, C. & Lin, Y. C. Aromatase expression in leptin-pretreated human breast preadipocytes is enhanced by Zeranol and suppressed by (-)-gossypol. Anticancer Research. 2010, 30: 5077-5084.

44. Zhong, S., Ma, C.; Lin, Y. C., Luo, Y. Antioxidant properties of peptide fractions from silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) processing byproduct protein hydrolysates evaluated by electron spin resonance spectrometry. Food chemistry, 2011, 126: 1636-1642.

45. Zhong, S., Ye, W., Eric, F., Li, H., Lin, S., Liu, J.Y., Ma, C. & Lin, Y. C. Serum derived from Zeranol-implanted ACI rat promote the growth of human breast cancer cells in vitro. Anticancer Research. 2011 31:481-486.

46. Liang, L., Hou, T., Ouyang, Q., Xie, L., Zhong, S., Li, P., ... & Li, C. (2020). Antimicrobial sodium alginate dressing immobilized with polydopamine-silver composite nanospheres. Composites Part B: Engineering, 188, 107877.

47. Liu, S., Fan, W., Zhong S., Ma, C., Li, P., Zhou, K., Peng, Z. & Zhu M. (2010). Quality evaluation of tray-packed tilapia fillets stored at 0°C based on sensory, microbiological, biochemical and physical attributes. African Journal of Biotechnology, 9(5): 692-701.

48. Xu, P., Ye, W., Zhong, S., Li, H., Eric, F., Lin, S., Kuo C.T., Liu, J.Y. & Lin, Y. C. (2010). Leptin and zeranol up-regulate cyclin D1 expression in primary cultured normal human breast pre-adipocytes. Molecular Medicine Reports, 3, 983-990.

49. Ye, W., Xu, P., Zhong, S., Threlfall, W., Frasure, C., Feng, E., Li, H., Lin, S., Liu, J. & Lin, Y. C. (2010). Serum harvested from heifers one month post-zeranol implantation stimulates MCF-7 breast cancer cell growth. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine, 1(6): 963-968.

50. Li, H., Piao, L., Xu, P., Ye, W., Zhong, S., Lin, S. H., Kulp, S. K., Mao, Y., Lee, R. & Lin, Y. C. Liposomes Containing (-)-Gossypol-Enriched Cottonseed Oil Suppress Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL Expression in Breast Cancer Cells. Pharmaceutical research, DOI 10.1007/s11095-011-0498-2, 2011

51. 杜振兴, 周斯仪, 钟赛意*, . 不同海洋生物源肝素的理化性质及抗凝血活性. 食品科学, 2019,40(17). (通讯作者)

52. 周斯仪, 钟赛意, 杜振兴, . 鱼鳔类肝素的分离纯化与结构鉴定. 食品科学, 2019, 040(015), 84-91.

53. 屈义, 周斯仪, 冯陶, 钟赛意* . 鱼鳔糖胺聚糖的提取及其吸湿保湿性能评价[J]. 食品工业科技, 2017, 16:023. (通讯作者)

54. 周斯仪, 屈义, 钟赛意*, . 鱼鳔的功效因子及其开发利用研究进展[J]. 食品与机械, 2017, 11: 049. (通讯作者)

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56. 杜振兴, 周斯仪, 钟赛意*, . 海洋生物源肝素的研究进展. 广东海洋大学学报, 2018(04):92-98. (通讯作者)

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65. 左格格,钟赛意,陈菁,徐敏凤,陈建平,李瑞,刘晓菲,宋兵兵,贾学静.罗非鱼加工副产物不同部位硫酸软骨素的制备、理化性质及结构表征[J/OL].食品科学:1-10[2022-03-21].http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/11.2206.TS.20211221.1433.044.html

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1. 一种可诱导人乳腺癌细胞凋亡的牛乳蛋白脂肪酸修饰物及其制备方法(专利申请号:201410551755.0),排名第一.

2. 一种可抑制亚硝胺合成的蛤蒌叶保健饮料及其制备方法(专利申请号:201410595264.6),排名第一.

3. 一种人乳腺组织不同细胞组分的分离与培养方法(专利申请号:201410833788.4),排名第一;

4. 一种从鱼鳔中提取类肝素化合物的方法,中国,国家专利局, 2017.5.11ZL201710330095.7,排名第一;

5. 一种鱼鳔糖胺聚糖的提取方法及应用,中国, 国家专利局, 2017.5.11,申请号201710330111.2,排名第一;

6. 一种具有缓和抗凝血作用的贝类肝素及其制备方法和应用, 授权专利号:ZL201811378238.2,排名第一;

7. 一种从贵妃蚌中提取的抗血栓类肝素及其制备方法和应用授权专利号:ZL2019113004802,排名第一;

8. 一种用高良姜精油保鲜荔枝果实的方法,中国, 国家专利局, 申请号201710001328.9,排名第一;

9. 一种从贵妃蚌中提取的抗血栓类肝素及其制备方法和应用. 2019. 申请号201911300480.2,排名第一;

10. 鱼鳔来源肝素类粘多糖在制备血管生成抑制剂中的应用. 2020. 授权专利号202011001303.7,排名第一;

11. 一种虾头类肝素及其制备方法和在制备抗凝血剂中应用. 2020. 申请号202010959440.5,排名第一;

12. 鱼鳔来源肝素类粘多糖在制备血管生成抑制剂中的应用,PCT国际专利号PCT/CN2020/127708,排名第一;

13. 一株贝雷斯芽孢杆菌在水产品肝素提取中的应用. 2021. 授权专利号202110754981.9,排名第一;

14. 一种提高罗非鱼头骨制备硫酸软骨素提取率的方法  授权专利号:ZL202111344514.5,排名第一;

15. 一种海藻曲及其制备方法: 国家发明专利,202310567216[P][2023-12-09]. ,排名第一;

16. 一株卢氏发光杆菌及其在制备卡拉胶寡糖中的应用: 国家发明专利,202311542969[P][2024-04-28] ,排名第一;




20. 一种海洋阿胶糕的干燥装置. 授权专利号ZL202022625491.2,排名第一;

21. 一种海洋阿胶糕炖煮装置,ZL 202122129725.9排名第一;

22. 一种即食江蓠原料清洗及脱腥装置,ZL2022205890353,排名第一;

23. 一种无异味鱼鳔的冻干装置. 专利号ZL 202022622104X,排名第一;

24. 一种海洋阿胶糕的干燥装置. 专利号ZL202022625491.2,排名第一;

25. 广东海洋大学一种利用鱼皮同时提取硫酸皮肤素和胶原蛋白的方法-专利号202311052734X,排名第一;

26. 一种从海红米糠中提取神经酰胺的方法,专利号202210385862.5,排名第一;

27. 一种鱼骨粉碎与筛分装置,202221740564.5,排名第一;

28. 一种鱼骨高压蒸煮装置,202221740764.0,排名第一;

29. 一种脂溶态砷化合物的合成方法,202211565028.0,排名第一;

30. 一种发酵制备马尾藻可溶性膳食纤维的方法,202211734701.9,排名第一;

31. 一种甘薯脆片及其制备方法,202311161501.3,排名第一;

32. 一种薯香华夫脆饼及其制备方法,202311170552.2,排名第一;

33. 鱼鳔糖胺聚糖在制备肠道损伤药物中的应用,202311302522.2,排名第一;

34. 光降解精准制备窄分子量卡拉胶的方法,202311436435.6,排名第一;

35. 一种海红香米凝固型酸奶及其制备方法,202311518244.4,排名第一;

36. 一种鱼鳔类肝素化合物在制备双向免疫调节剂中的应用,202410381506.5,排名第一;

